Megan & Chris - Staunton, VA.

Overall, we had an incredible experience with our mystery trip. We especially loved our adorable and conveniently-located AirBnB. Staunton, VA was a very cute and hospitable small town that we never would have thought to go to without the help of Pale Blue. It was a great destination, especially during a pandemic with travel restrictions, but Pale Blue made it a great trip and ensured activities and restaurants (breweries/vineyards) were open and able to have us. We loved the flexibility of having both specific activities planned AND just a map with activity suggestions that allowed us to still customize our getaway. There was also a perfect variety of activities where we had outdoor activities, great food and drink options, and beautiful views.

Working with the Pale Blue site and team directly was a breeze and made us feel comfortable during an uncertain time. They were able to understand what we were looking for in our trip, and plan the perfect trip to meet our dreams.

Pale Blue is such a unique and exciting experience that everyone should try when looking for their next trip. Specifically, the weekend road trip was a perfect opportunity to explore a new city!


Tim & Katie - Washington, D.C.


Chelsea - Austin, TX.